Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lo and behold. While everyone that care, in the blogosphere including me, sending a strong message to the public that what KOSMO did is not right, the other side of me came out with this idea : Is this tabloid actually try to cease the people's stigma towards gender transition?

Maybe, the tabloid is trying to tell to the people that anyone can choose to be whoever they want to be and work for what their aspired on. In digging on facts after facts about Yasmin, the writer indeed having his/her article completed without realizing the 'damage' it may cause.

Nevertheless, I still stick on my opinion that it is wrong to firstly, "embarrassing one who already passed away " and secondly, claiming a sensational mileage on those facts with the reason of business competency. Maybe they can do it later, but not now for sure.

I invite everyone to read the article
HERE (in PDF) and share with me any defamation remarks made to the late Yasmin. Surely, none is found as insensitive except the bold sub-phrase of the headline that sounded like " Yasmin's fate - Die as a woman, grieved by all regardless race and belief " that surely will be reason of her fans' outcry.

Sometimes, it show us that, while we brawl for the media liberalism, we still couldn't accept some aspect of liberal reporting. That's why I never agree with the press freedom concept.


Shopaholic_Sinful said...

Abg Dark : it is very disgusting for one to talk about one's past in such ways... its purely despicable and wrong in ethics!

No doubt, they wanted to sell their tabloids.. but they should not harras arwah and family in a such manner.. VERY IRRESPONSIBLE!


yes.. i'm with u... they shouldnt done that..

and i strongly feel that few scumrag in kosmo.. is doing this deliberately..


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