Friday, May 22, 2009

This is a symbolic ritual with real practise in soughting divine bless. But did they did a right thing? This was a 'talkin' , a ritual before the dead being buried, on UMNO, to tell the people that UMNO is dead.

Okay, be it dead or burnt evenly with the ground. But is this the best way to show the world what Islam is about? It show us that it is Islam that very agresive in ensuring the fragility of brotherhood and relativity between the followers.

Was Islam is this peculiar? No. The PAS follower indeed is a rare species of human being.

We will have at the and of the day, a society that saying their idoltry religion is better when there is no this type of hatred mixing up among the followers especially of the politic basis.

Yes, you may get involve in politics. But who are you to justify what you did is blessed while what done by others are not. This is how they dragged Islam into politics.

While others, be Buddhist or Hindu, keep the politics off the altar, certain Muslim in this country justifying Islam into their jungle rivalry mindset.

PAS is totally a big time cult in modern Malaysia history. To sadden it more, they have the jungle folk to fight with them in the name of Islam and recreate a new assumption towards the religion itself by the mass.


Shopaholic_Sinful said...

i think this is not only apply to PAS.. but also to TALIBAN... to Syiah in Iraq...

what i can see here.. when ppl are too extreme in the religion, they became wild.. they are uncontrolled and they simply used... JIHAD as their motto...

with that, they are freely being abusive.. with their language & action.

these people are totally pathetic.. and always thought they are the best in religion particularly... true but sad.. they have gone too much..


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