Tuesday, December 9, 2008

With the current issue of the landslide, do read my letter to the editor of Utusan Malaysia that has been published today, 9th December 2008 in the Forum section of the daily. I don't wish to paste it here because I really want Utusan to get off the boycott campaign. LOL.


Jimmy Rahimin said...

theres 3 letters on the sec.
which is urs eh???


haha... coobaaa tekaaa.. :)

guess game is now started.. :-P

Jimmy Rahimin said...

i dunno arr..
maybe yg dari ampang iteww~

ADam Dryx said...

Kalau takut dilambung ombak, jangan berumah ditepi pantai...

Kalau takut mati tertimbus, jangan berumah di lereng bukit....

pemahaman mudah... tak berani tanggung risiko, pandai2lah berfikir sendiri


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