Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm not a big fan of politic here in this blog... ( yeah.. in this blog ).. but by referring below, that is what I call a misfit culture of governing.

A letter arrived at MB's office ( 15.1.09 )

Sounds like "I mau sikit wang.. untuk 'Kongres Orang Asli' yang dirancang '1 Mac 09'".

And .. "Bagi pada Ling Lik Hock. Orang Asli takde akaun. ( next JHEOA director kot Ah Lik ni..)

And this sounds like "OK! Lulus, bagi sama Ah Lik. Oi Pengarah UPEN, cari mana yang patut! " and the UPEN director rolling eyes.

And finally " OK, Ngeh, saya tak suka minit pakai bahasa rasmi. Ini government is ours. We are the rakyat! Not the voters!! "



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