Sunday, November 2, 2008

Upon the bed, the desease I suffer most is SLEEP PARALYSIS. Sounds like a syndrome that someday will require me to sit on a wheelchair? No lah! It was just a disturbance in the motor neuron with cerebral bla bla bla that associated with REM sleep with inception of narcoplexy, cataplexy and bla bla bla which has turn our brain and the body waking up unsynchronizedly.

When I first brought the issue to the medical practitioner in Dec 2003, the doctor I'm referring to had giving me a truly inconvincing answer regarding this. In his barefaced respond he said " This must be an act of demonic visitation or jinn interference or bla bla bla..". I was like.." WTF with him.. I wouldn't ask him if I can have that the folklore kind of answer elsewhere!". I try to suggest him my own assumption. " Doctor, is it possible that this syndrome happens when our brain wake up a few second earlier than our body?". Then the doctor said, "Yes. I think you are right!".

Well, if you wish to talk about facts, people will tell you more about facts. The doctor seems to get me know more about sleep paralysis and he started to tell everything. He also said that most people choose to stick on the folklore and nothing important for them to learn about the scientific explanation. Alas, they will revile you for not believing the 'ghaib' world.

I do believe in hidden and invisible form of creature but in this REM periodical disoder, I count them out.



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