Saturday, November 1, 2008

This is the new world of my representation in the blogosphere. Rebranding my 14 month old blog into a new deliverance channel is a must, as the former content is dragged into a self-broadcast rendition sort of blog. Here, everything going to be much more unexciting seems that diary like posts are diminished radically. It means that, images are now in a motion of putting it into privacy.

Literally, a bold gentle directness among rhetorical kinfolk is a space that liberated ideas without ruling in any sensitivity that would somehow translated as a barrier. A blend of issues, events, art and literature, satire, humor, sarcasm and sightseeing info will be the main content. In fact, it still maintaining the old version of the blog but there is something to be realized as it has being underwent a little refurbishment.

Read this blog as a not a total English composition as it will still maintained the Malay Language, Jawi writings (part of my heritage) , some Manglish (Aiya. Why like this?) or even Indlish ( Dei. What la you!). The change will only effective on the fundamental basis and of course the template. However, comments are welcomed in any language.

I’m not going to be a community pacifier in my writings. Truth must be liberated in any way even it may seem as a rebellious measure.

Bear in mind that by shoving things down your throat in English, it doesn't mean that I'm a gramatically correct blogger. Don't bother to be my Mrs Tan, Mrs Maggie Lopez, Mrs. Chin and whatever impersonation of my former English teacher.



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