Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tindakan kebudak-budakan Menteri Pelancongan Indonesia yang mewakili 220 juta penduduk Indonesia mengutuk MALAYSIA berkenaan di iklan National Geographic mengenai promosi pelancongan negara ini seolah-olah mencerca pemerintah Malaysia secara langsung walhal kerajaan Malaysia langsung tidak terlibat dalam urusan pembikinan iklan tersebut.
Kekhilafan yang berlaku adalah atas sikap cuai pihak penyiar dan pembekal bahan siaran tetapi bunyi kata-kata 'seorang jagoan sekolah yang mahu berlagak samseng' seperti Menteri Pelancongan Indonesia agak memalukan. Mungkin hanya menteri jenis ini yang terhasil dari demokrasi jalanan.
Walaupun 70% jenayah yang berlaku di Malaysia diilhamkan oleh tenaga kerja Indonesia dan penyelinap Indonesia , sentimen membenci negara tetangga tidak ada dalam pemikiran rakyat Malaysia berbangsa Melayu berjumlah 60% dari populasi Malaysia.
Rakyat Indonesia sebenarnya adalah kaum gasar yang dahagakan persengketaan tidak kira dari yang tinggal di bawah jembatan layang sehinggalah yang tinggal di rumah-rumah agam.
Maka mungkin kerana ianya dipupuk oleh sikap bangsa Indonesia itu sendiri yang agak gasar. Sikap di mana mereka hanya dahagakan perselisihan dan terlalu punya banyak masa untuk melaung-laungkan api pergaduhan.
Akhirnya, terjadilah situasi seperti pada tahun-tahun konfrontasi 60an di mana askar Indonesia yang dihantar ke pantai-pantai Johor akhirnya enggan berperang dengan Malaysia kerana mereka mendapati Melayu-Melayu keturunan Jawa yang banyak tinggal di pantai barat Johor, yakni sama keturunan dengan mereka yang hendak mereka perangi. Ini membawa maksud bahawa tentera-tentera Indonesia itu sendiri tidak tahu bagaimanakah Malaysia itu pada hakikatnya.
Begitu jugalah kebanyakan rakyat Indonesia hari ini yang tak pernah kenal Malaysia, apatah lagi menjejakkan kaki ke Kuala Lumpur. Setelah tiba di sini, merekalah yang seboleh-bolehnya sedaya upaya mencari jalan untuk tinggal dan bekerja melebihi tempoh masa yang diizinkan.
Kebanyakan rakyat Indonesia yang menjadi jagoan dalam membawa aspirasi menentang Malaysia rata-rata merupakan rakyat Indonesia yang ketandusan ilmu Geografi, Kependudukan, Antropologi, apatah lagi peluang untuk mengkaji negara Malaysia di bumi Malaysia sendiri. Mereka lebih malang jika dibandingkan dengan rakyat mereka yang tinggal di kampung-kampung yang lebih berpeluang merantau ke Malaysia mendapatkan rezeki dengan berlipat ganda.
Kebanyakan penyokong agen permusuhan ini terdiri dari golongan belia di bandar-bandar utama yang tertimpa dengan masalah kurang gaji, pengangguran dan penindasan puak konglomerat. Mereka juga mempunyai irihati terhadap kemampuan rakan senegara mereka yang berkemampuan setelah berpeluang bekerja di Malaysia. Justeru, secara psikologinya, kecaman MALINGSIA, MALINGSHIT, MALAYSIAL dan segala kecaman puak tak bertamadun yang sebenarnya dimaterialkan untuk melangsiri rasa iri hati yang amat.
Selain itu, cara stereotyping orang Indonesia terhadap setiap rakyat Malaysia menunjukkan mereka tidak memahami langsung negara Malaysia itu sendiri.
Seperti contoh, pekerja-pekerja wanita Indonesia enggan bekerja dengan orang Melayu yang kononnya tidak sekaya Cina, ada diantara mereka di dera oleh majikan berbangsa Cina itu dengan deraan yang zalim. Yang dihentam Indonesia ialah orang Melayu yang memerintah negara.
Sebenarnya, rakyat Indonesia agak buta demografi negara tetangga dan hanya diperhangatkan sentimen mereka oleh media-media Indonesia yang bersikap pengadu-domba.
Akibatnya, rakyat Indonesia berpemikiran bawahan akan menjadikan isu-isu ini sebagai isu yang sangat sensasi kerana keinginan mereka untuk melihat peperangan negara sebangsa seagama itu sangat tinggi.
Pada detik bilakah mereka akan meletakkan perkara remeh ini ke tepi dan memikirkan bagaimana usaha untuk memajukan ekonomi mereka sendiri dan bergerak bersama kemajuan ekonomi sejagat? Selain dari masuk ke Malaysia dan melaykukan jenayah merampok, meragut dan memecah rumah yang gede-gede?
Benarlah kata bijak pandai yang berbunyi, semakin ramai penduduk sesebuah negara, semakin ramai orang-orang yang bodoh dan bangang terdapat di negara tersebut.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Facebook penetration is on around 7.4% in Malaysia and considered low to compare with Singapore that stood at 22.7%, but the higehest penetration is Iceland with 46.9% and the lowest in the rankable list is China with 0.03%.
With the info that I get from Nick Burcher, it clearing the air in my mind that keep on thinking the number of Facebook users in Malaysia.
I thought it penetrates into not less than 25% of the population and actually it was not that terrible. Haha.
But still, the growth of the users in Malaysia was recorded at 342% per year but soon, Indonesia will be the massive users of Facebook as it growth percentage was at skyrocketing 2997.3% !
Anyway, I just have no idea on what to write down here as my blog has started to get 'bersawang'.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Boarding train? The most unreliable mode of transportation in the past.. in term of punctuality? No. I give A for the punctuality of this service yesterday! at least from Ipoh to KL. Hehehe.Firstly, go to ticket counter. Of course la kan. Takkan nak pi ke Info Counter kot. The departure hall of Ipoh Railway Station is handsomely in full operation.
Wah. Macam amik ubat klinik yer. To buy the ticket, one should take a number and be seated waiting for the turn.
Hah! That is Tony Fernandez celup. He will be the KTMB CEO for low cost rail carrier company in future. Wakakaka.
Next thing is, wait for the train by looking northward at the station platform.
And wow! The train arrived 2 minutes earlier!
And when there is Muthusamy snoring out loud like the sound of the locomotive....
...go and find out another place to search for tranquility.
When KLIA Express used as a KLIA Transit...
... let it be as long as you can arrived Putrajaya Sentral accordingly.
Now I save RM8.00 by having the Economy Class 'rusty smell cabin' that cost RM10.00 for Ipoh-KL trip.
Labels: going places, photojournal, weekend
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Kueh mueh @ Joni's house doa selamat...
Labels: photojournal
Labels: Fotomoto
Friday, August 7, 2009
As a stronghold of PAS, an Islamic political entity, I rather opened by the fact that there is a skirt wearing Siamese girls of Siamese community that ran a saloon business. When one of us asked on why don't they run a massage parlour, the answer is very simple yet straightforwarding "Lesen tak boleh dapat bang oi" ("Impossible to obtain a permit for that!").
One of my Management Dept. pilot ('driver' is a sensitive term), asking one of my subordinate (the one that we going to mess his mom's house)about any place for him to do some hair dressing. As it was almost 7.30 pm, the deserted town was only enliven by the weekly night market and the only saloon that operating on this twillight hour is a Siamese girls' saloon.
A gentle service with smiles and good manouvre that I have ( seems that I was amazed with the price charged ), is only for RM5.00 ! "Seumur hidup aku botak, tak pernah ada orang mesin rambut aku lembut macamni " (I never have a gentle barber doing the shaving gently like this since I started to get skinheaded") I told my friends while the girl working on my head.
Oh damn. She was a Siamese.. not a Chinese girl. Of course she knew what I'm saying. (Chinese girl mostly knows basic Malay only). The Siamese girls broke laugh and talking something with her friends in Thai. Damn. I'm blushed.
Later, we have a dinner at my subordinate's house, located in a remote kampong that fall into eerie silence after 9.00 p.m. To be precise, look at the "A" sign at picture below. That was his house. To make it worse, the loo is located outside the house when I had to answer the nature's call around 11.30 pm.
The unique of the people in Sik as well as Baling, Weng, Nami, Kupang and also as far south as Selama (Kedah), they believed that they are of Patani origin. (The place where people of Kelantan came from). And the fact that support this shall be found in their language.
Air ( water ) is pronounced as ai instead of ayaq that popularly used in Kedah. Kelik for balik (return home) and demo for depa ( they ). The intonation is slighly like Siamese people of Kedah origin that can be found in Satun and Danok and the whole of it shows that people of rural Kedah is actually originated from the East Coast.
But centuries of outcast across the mountain range has developed an ethnicity of their own with language spoken among them is hardly to be understood even by person of Kedah origin like me.
The early next misty morning, we departed for Alor Star which is located an hour driving distance away. While we stopped by at a small grocery to buy cigarette, a bunch of Tabika KEMAS kids are running out of their class lining up at the fence in a welcoming gesture, looking at our Nissan Frontier and a Ministry of Health labelled 3 tonnes truck with red crescent logo. But we left them upset when we just waived back and speed away.
Those kids and also their teachers must be thinking that we are going to give a health education or medication what-so-ever seems the nearby school in Sik has been closed due to the H1N1 outbreak. Yes, the desease has lingered even in the rural air.
One of my friend's uncle that living near my friend's house said "every desease that exist here is brought in from the outsiders, we the kampong folk have to work hard in our farms just to ensure that we could afford medication in case of critical condition that need money".
Labels: education, endeavour, going places
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Yes it is way bigger than my compact car, and makes me a little bit too nervous on the first few minutes of the driving.
But what can be more exciting than driving a machine with the engine capacity as twice as my small car, bigger, longer, higher and steadier (does that ever exist in English vocab? Like I care!).
But the excitement detered by beams of few car on the opposite lane on my left hand side, telling there was a road block somewhere up ahead looking for over-speeding highway users somewhere in Penang.
Yes, 100km ahead, there is a road block and I wasn't caught for any speeding offence. After that, I speed 120 kmh all the way south.
It sounds silly but I must share that driving a four wheel drive truck is something different from steering a car! Climbing up Jelapang hills in a steady 110kmh with the fifth gear is something new for me.
But the best thing for me is, there is no exausted kind of feeling after the 470 km drive in 6 hours. It was my personal record of the longest distance I ever steer. Maybe the accelaration friction does not effect much on the driver or maybe the suspension system is just superb.
A day before that, I was on my task to send some printed materials to Kedah State Health Department in Alor Star. But we decided to overnight at Sik, the hometown of one of my colleague that joining us.
It is bad to have no camera with me to take the photo of kampong dishes like Chicken Mushroom Curry that extra-teresterially delicious! LOL. Like something that is not an earth origin one!
It was a late rambutan seasons over there and ripe rambutans are coloring its tree red and most of the kampong folk are on their disgusting mode facing this fruit that they said, worth 40 cent per kilogram on this kind of time. But hey, in KL it still RM3.50 per kg!!
I have a metre tall gunny sack filled with rambutans for free and spend half an hour stop by at my parent house in Ipoh to disembark this fruit that hazardous for those who are in cough ailment. Among these, I took along langsat, duku air, setar (kundang) and also petai!
One anthropologistic lesson I ever learn in, most people in rural Kedah speaks a language that more similar to Kelantanese rather than the Kedahan! This is something new to me! For example; there is no "ayaq" for "air". They pronounce it as "ai". More to list down in next posting.
Back to the topic, from a silent nervous move on the first 50km to a laughable gossip chat between three of us at the last 50km , Nissan Frontier that I steer is a fast-to-get-hands-on-with kind of vehicle.
I would like to try the 3 tonnes lorry after this. Hehe! For a sake of my driving potfolio. Ya. When sometimes not long ago, people looking down at me in a skeptical way when I honestly tell them that " I'm not a driver with any single experience and for sure without valid driving liecence", why I shouldn't proud with this fast development?
Labels: endeavour, gesture, going places, jovial, utterance
Sunday, August 2, 2009

" Semua orang Cina dan India mesti berhenti menggunakan bahasa ibunda dan identiti berdasarkan bahasa mereka. Sekolah-sekolah vernakular mesti dimusnahkan! Akhbar-akhbar vernakular mesti dihapuskan. Saya menyeru orang Melayu di negara ini bersama saya, demi nasionalisma, kita mula mengikut langkah Thai, Filipina dan Indonesia, memusnahkan agen pecah belah rakyat ini iaitu sistem vernakular!"
( All Chinese & Indian must stop their vernacular system. This is including their language, names that based on their language. All vernacular school and newspapers must be abolished! I call for all Malay to be with me and emphasize on this idea by following the footstep of the nation makers of Thailand, Indonesia and the Philipines to wage a war against the agent of seclusion, the vernacular system!)
Few days after that, the NGO leader was caught by the authority. But more and more people become aware on his idea. Supports came from all four corners.
Some are chanting for "balik tongsan" and "balik india" phrases. The Chinese and Indian are in total limbo. Yes. It is only in this country that they could not only practise, but fortify their proefficency of their mothertongue at least until now.
They have been denied this at Burma, Thailand, Philipines, Indonesia and also at Vietnam, which are adjacently located with China since the early age of those country.
Now, does abolishing ISA really give them benefit more than liabilities?
This is only an example that I think, will arise without impossibilities. Besides, we can see that the Abolish ISA Movement mobs on Aug 1, 2009 at the center of KL city that created chaos and losses to the petty street traders, has only drew Malay mobsters. Where was the large number of non-Malay that so-called " a prominent opponent of the government?"

This might later be the right reason of some one else among them to say " WHAT WAS THE REASON FOR MUSLIMS TO BUILD MOSQUE MORE AND MORE... THEY CAN EVEN PRAY ON THE STREETS.. UNLIKE US.. WE NEED TEMPLES TO PRAY!" Now.. that really sounds bad..
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Permatang Pasir ni kira aku punya kawasan kampung jugak. Mat Amin bapak Win (macam hangpa tau pulak kan) pun orang Permatang Pasir.
Yang penting, Anwar Ibrahim pun orang Kampung Permatang Pasir. Dari nama kampung itulah jadinya DUN Permatang Pasir.
Selepas Ogos 2008 dikecohkan dengan pilihanraya parlimen Permatang Pauh di mana letaknya DUN Permatang Pasir ni, berlaku perebutan baru-baru ni kerusi DUN Kubang Semang yang turut berada di bawah Parlimen Permatang Pauh.
Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh ialah Anwar Ibrahim.
Tetapi, satu dari DUN daripada 3 DUN di dalam Permatang Pauh, iaitu DUN Seberang Jaya, penyandangnya ialah dari BN.
Ini bermakna kemutlakan Anwar menggagahi persada kerusi parlimen tersebut hanya 66.6%.
Tetapi, Permatang Pasir ni merupakan satu-satunya kerusi PAS kat Pulau Pinang. Dah tentu mereka akan menang dengan undi simpati.
Tetapi, bila ditanya kat orang kampung aku tentang 3 pilihanraya di Parlimen yang sama dalam tempoh tak sampai 2 tahun, ramai mereka menyebut : " CEMUIH "
Cemuih tu bermaksud menyampah tahap bosan. Pada siapakah yang mereka menyampah? Sudah tentu banyak...
Pada polis yang akan memenuhi kawasan... Pada penyokong dari negeri-negeri lain... pada 'peperangan Melayu' yang akan berlaku... pada SPR... dan mungkin... pada ANWAR IBRAHIM sendiri..
Siapa pun tatau..